(Please forgive me if this is not good. This is my first blog post)
The Christian life is not meant to be a passive life. It is not meant for the followers of Jesus Christ to sit in the church pews, just occupying space and warming a seat. It is not meant to be a life lived in a vow of silence, nor is it meant to be a life lived speaking freely and doing whatever you desire to do. Church, we are a called out assembly, vessels set apart for the work of the Lord. We are called out of the world, meaning it is no longer our home, thus our citizenship is in heaven, and we are sent back into the world to be the salt of the earth, the light of the world, witnesses for Christ in this dark and dying world.
We are called to put on the armor of God, to STAND against the devil. Not sit down and let him pummel us as we see so many Christians doing in this day and age. Are we going to let the ground gained by big-name preachers like Jack Hyles, Lee Roberson, Charles H. Spurgeon, D.L. Moody, etc. in the name of Jesus Christ be taken by the devil once again? Are we just going to sit idly by as Satan conquerors the ground we liberated from his grasp? Are we going to let denominational division keep us from standing together in the battle? Are we going to let go of our weapons and run from the fight? Brothers and sisters in Christ, there is only one way to go in the battle, FORWARD. Turning away from the enemy is making yourself highly vulnerable. Take up your armor and STAND UP for the cause of Christ. STAND UP for HIS principles, not the nearly flatline standards of the liberal realm. Our banner, the blood of Jesus Christ is flying high above us, our call to stand has been given.
What are you going to do about the sovereign call to stand, Christians? What are you going to do with Jesus Christ, since you already have Him in your heart? Are you just going to stand idly by as Satan leads people to trample His name in the dirt, or are you going to stand up for Christ, for His cause, for His principles, and not let a single particle of dust tarnish the majesty of His name? The choice is yours... Choose Wisely.
Your fellow warrior for and brother in Christ,
William L. Payne
1 Corinthians 15:58